The PhET Interactive Simulations Project at the University of Colorado (PhET) distributes these simulations under the Creative Commons-Attribution 3.0 license and the Creative Commons GNU General Public License as detailed below. The user is responsible for choosing which of the two licensing options will govern their use of these simulations.
Both license options require attributing the work to:
PhET Interactive Simulations
University of Colorado
http://phet.colorado.edu.If your use includes redistribution of the simulations, please let us know! This type of information is very useful when writing proposals for future funding.
Please consider contributing a tax-deductible donation to PhET to help keep the project going.
Contact PhET at phethelp@colorado.edu.
OPTION A: CREATIVE COMMONS - ATTRIBUTION The executable versions of all PhET Interactive Simulations by PhET, University of Colorado (the *.jar files, the *.jnlp files, the *.swf files) are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License, with the exception of the following simulations which are only released under CC - GNU GPL:
Band Structure Simulation
Double Wells and Covalent Bonds Simulation
Quantum Bound States Simulation, and
Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets Simulation
The full text of the Creative Commons Attribution license can be found here.
What does this mean?
The interactive simulations developed by PhET Interactive Simulations (with exceptions listed above) may be freely used and/or redistributed by third parties (e.g. students, educators, school districts, museums, publishers, vendors, etc.). Non-commercial or commercial use is allowed. All uses require attribution of the work as describe above.
Parties wishing to modify the source code must use Option B.
OPTION B: CREATIVE COMMONS - GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE The source code and executable versions of all simulations by PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado are licensed under a Creative Commons GNU General Public License.
The full text of the GNU General Public License can be found here.
What does this mean?
The interactive simulations developed by PhET Interactive Simulations may be freely used and/or redistributed by third parties (e.g. students, educators, school districts, museums, publishers, vendors, etc.). Non-commercial or commercial use is allowed. All uses require attribution of the work.
In addition, the source code for all PhET simulations is available for use and/or modification. For directions about how to access the source code, go here. Anyone can have access to the source code and make modifications. The source code for any changes someone makes to the software must, in turn, be made publicly available by the party that makes the changes.
If you are interested in alternative license options, please contact PhET at phethelp@colorado.edu.
For information on accessing PhET source code, please see here.
The full text of the PhET Software Agreement is available here.